Montag, 26. Oktober 2015

Resharper C++ and findMFBase

Finally got findMFBase
build in with VS. (see my previous post about findMFBase).

The generated .vcproj's build the unit tests shipped with findMFBase.
I have an academic licence of C++ Resharper and would like to put this software to some use.

The problem is that C++ ReSharper seems not to be aware of the header files of findMFBase (a header only library).

As long as I am in the .cpp file everything seems fine but if I open an header than the #include statements pointing to other header files within the findMFBase library are marked in red.

I did the cmake glob trick to have the header files included in the project.

file(GLOB Demo_HEADERS "sql/*.sql" "include/*.h" "include/**/*.h" "include/**/**/*.h"
 "include/**/**/**/*.h" "src/**/*.h" "src/**/**/*.h" ".travis.yml")
add_library(headers SHARED ${Demo_HEADERS} Dummy.cpp)

But as already said Resharper C++ is not aware of them.

I did post the problem also at the C++ ReSharper forum. Curious what they reply? Hopefully they are not going recommend to use clion because of cmake (Visual Studio is so much cooler).

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