Whats this:
Take a look at this: Demo_HEADERS "sql/*.sql" "include/*.h" "include/**/*.h" "include/**/**/*.h"
"include/**/**/**/*.h" "src/**/*.h" "src/**/**/*.h" ".travis.yml")
add_library(headers SHARED ${Demo_HEADERS} Dummy.cpp)
But as already said Resharper C++ is not aware of them.
I did post the problem also at the C++ ReSharper forum. Curious what they reply? Hopefully they are not going recommend to use clion because of cmake (Visual Studio is so much cooler).
Likely you boost installation is somewhere else so adjust it.
For more detail see
pip install some-package.whl
$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\"
I got this information from Parag and since it might be relevant to many I post it here:
So it means that you can use visual studio as plain text editor when developing pwiz. I might use notepad++ instead.
rmarkdown::render("specL.Rmd",output_format ="pdf_document", output_file = "SpecL.pdf", clean=FALSE)
```{r, include=FALSE} library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warnings=FALSE) ```