Mittwoch, 30. September 2015

Parameter file format in search gui

This is an issue regarding the parameter file format of the search gui software.
They are using a binary format to store the software configuration. I think it is a no go, so I did open up an issue on github, which was immediately closed.

8/10/2015 Update - it's open again....

Mittwoch, 9. September 2015

Building Crux

Quite straightforward. Otherwise well documented here:

You will need wget with ssl and https. I got mine from :

Running comet with crux?

Beware! crux comet and comet have different interfaces.

Comet - you can download from here:

Montag, 7. September 2015

R Package Quantable

New package quantable on CRAN:

Methods which streamline the descriptive analysis of quantitative matrices.

Has some routines to simplify various plots (i.e. qqplot) for multivariate data. 
Also a nice volcano.

Most up to date version can be found here: